The Gallows

Sometimes. No, all the time. Writing these books feels like I'm building my own gallows for my public hanging. Not meaning to be grim, but that's the nature of writing. Musicians are fortunate because they can hide in the ambiguity of their notes. Music is created by the space between those notes. Actors can hide behind their scripts or characters. And please don't think I believe acting is any less emotionally taxing, probably more so. My point is that writers, including screen writers, song writers, we're putting ourselves out there. It's our material that forms the foundation. I can't think of anything more powerful than words. No offense to musicians, actors, or directors. This is just my perspective. You probably have other pressures I don't know about as I judge you from my ivory tower.

Here's the Teddy Roosevelt quote I have hanging on my wall thanks to Brene Brown.

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Now, that we realize the risks involved and we have a motivational quote, let's go get bloodied in the arena, shall we?


Dear Victims:


Writing Inspiration