Who is Jane?

First and foremost, Jane is a human. A sarcastic one. She's not a veeri (vampire) or a vedma (witch). Next, and much to the chagrin of family and friends, Jane takes the word “no” as a challenge. Also, Jane refuses to think the 9-5 grind as a corporate lawyer is all there is to life. In fact, that's her biggest fear: not making the most out of this life.

One day, after some soul searching and while walking her dog Cali (her favorite companion), the idea came to Jane that she should write a book about prosecuting vampires. Why not? Vampires have been running around wreaking havoc on humans for hundreds of years. With all the investigators, hunters, bounty hunters, and detectives, why no prosecutor? What happens to these vile creatures once they're caught and the mystery is solved?  Also, while  female protagonists in paranormal books are often bloodless, this doesn't explain why some (not all) are brainless. In Jane's humble opinion, they could portray women with a little more depth in certain legal thrillers. 

Voilá. “The Paranormal Justice For All” series was born. Despite being told “no” by industry experts, Jane persisted. This is sort of a theme. She was told “it’s been done a thousand times” or “vampires are dead.” Challenge accepted. Gauntlet thrown. In the end, Jane decided the only opinion that matters is YOU, the reader. ​

Standing Order of “Bite Me” to: (1) promoters of the conventional way of thinking, (2) the patriarchy, (3) people who live off killing dreams or suppressing those who dare greatly (4) people who deprive other humans of dignity, and (5) those who see vulnerability as weakness.



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My Dad: I know you visit me from time to time, although you're no longer in physical form.  I love you. I should have said it a million times to you, but things were complicated between us. You always said I could be anything I put my mind to. You believed in the organic power of women, without putting a label on it. You made me go fishing, camping, and everything that normal girls didn't do. I just wanted to be a "normal girl" with a "normal dad."  Now, I'd give anything to do those things with you. You taught me invaluable life lessons and set me on the right path even if that path separated us out of my own stubbornness (a trait I inherited from you). I love you. Until we meet again. Please have Star Trek: The Next Generation playing so we can watch together like we did every Saturday night.